Friday, May 2, 2008

Website trauma

It was horrible, even shameful. I went out to look at something on my website and discovered that the "news" portion of my site has news from...2005! What was I thinking? Didn't I ever in the last 3 years, even look at that section? Did I assume it would change itself! And those pictures. Yikes! Only in my dreams do I still look like that...

So after an emergency e-mail to my wonderful web guy, begging him to work on my site this weekend, I started writing. And rewriting. There's so much I'd like to include but should I include everything? Or just some of the ideas. And no, I haven't forgotten that I have a show in 6 days and nothing to sell so I'm supposed to be making jewelry. But this is an emergency!

I decided I needed to see what other people were doing with their sites. Although I don't want to change the look or the feel of my site, I need to know what others are doing. I think I was secretly hoping to find that other people had really old news up too.

Unfortunately many of the sites that I've liked over the years no longer exist so, after much time spent poking around, I realized that I'm on my own. I have to make some decisions on my site, tomorrow...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, Bonnie, Bonnie..........what will we do with you?!?!?!?
Go to work.
Go directly to work.
Do not do NAIA stuff, do not make blog banners or update your need to have something to promote!
Make some lovely gold shiny things for people to lust over and buy from your booth!